There Won't Be Blood is the 6th episode of Season 7 of Henry Danger also the 140th episode overall series episode.
In this Halloween special Henry and Ray are busy fighting crimes Henry also has to be home giving candy to trick or treaters which is bad for Henry and Ray.
Our episode begins with Captain Man and Kid Danger fighting The Beekeeper and Dr. Minyak
Kid Danger: Geez there's a huge crime wrap tonight.
Captain Man: Well I'm not surprised it's Halloween this is villains favorite holiday that's why Dr. Minyak and The Beekeeper guy are trying to rob a candy store.
Dr Minyak: For no child at the blink of an eye can have candy for this Halloween.
Beekeeper: This Halloween is gonna be buzzing amazing for The Toddler-
Dr Minyak: Why did you have to say that.
Captain Man grabs Dr. Minyak and pushes him against a car
Captain Man: The Toddler where is he hiding Horatio now are I will break all your teeth for you can't have any candy this Halloween.
Kid Danger: Sick interrogation my dude.
Captain Man: I know now talk Minyak.
Dr. Minyak: Me The Beekeeper, The Toddler, Time Jerker, and Jeff are gonna steal all the candy in all of Swellview.
Captain Man: Let's tie these two up for the cops can take them to jail.
Kid Danger gets a call
Kid Danger: Hello?
Kris Hart: Henry where are you?
Kid Danger: At work.
Kris Hart: Well get back here you got to pass out candy for all the kids Me and you're Dad are going to a Halloween Party.
Kid Danger: I can't I'm um um brushing my face
Captain Man, Beekeeper, and Dr. Minyak look at Kid Danger with a weird look
Kris Hart: So let me get this straight you're at work brushing your face?
Kid Danger: Yep.
Kris Hart: Just come home.
Kid Danger: Why can't Piper do it?
Kris Hart: Because Piper is at her friends house.
Kid Danger: Fine Click.
Kris Hart: Click.
Kid Danger: We got to hurry up and beat these idiots I got to get home.
Captain Man: Ok but first we got to go to the Man Cave to recharge our blasters.
Kid Danger: Dang it.
Captain Man and Kid Danger enter the Man Cave
Charlotte: So how was it.
Captain Man: Fine but Henry got a problem.
Charlotte: What is it?
Kid Danger: I got to get home and pass out candy for all the kids but me and Ray still have to put The Toddler and everyone one else that's running loose behind bars.
Charlotte: Why don't you just take a piece of paper and write take one and put it on your porch.
Kid Danger: You know no one follows those rules.
Charlotte: Yeah you're right.
Schowz enters the Man Cave
Schowz: I overheard your problem Henry and I got the perfect solution.
Kid Danger: Ok whatever it is it's gonna be perfect.
Schowz: YASPER!
Jasper: Yeah what's up Schowz.
Kid Danger: What's going on here Schowz?
Schowz: Yasper is going to become Kid Danger for the rest of tonight.
Kid Danger: Hm
Schowz: Yasper is going to become Kid Danger for the rest of tonight.
Captain Man: Hey Charlotte you want to be Kid Danger for the rest of tonight
Charlotte: Oh no when I was Kid Danger I got pig mud all over me.
Kid Danger gives Jasper his gum tube
Jasper blows a bubble and becomes Kid Danger
Kid Danger blows a bubble to become Henry
Henry: Ok Jasp you got this right?
Jasper: I think so maybe.
Henry: Call me if anything happens.
Jasper: Okay.
Captain Man: Uh Alright Jasper let's go.
Captain Man and Jasper: Up the tube!
Henry: I'm gonna go home now.
Schowz: Wait!
Henry: What?
Schowz: Are and Charlotte dating?
Charlotte: What no!
Henry: Ok I'm out of here
Henry goes up the elevator.
Henry arrives at the Hart House and sees a whole bunch of kids throwing the candy all over the place
Kid 1: Why?
Henry: Because this is my house my rules
Kid 2: Who cares.
Henry: Hey that was very rude!
Henry then gets the candy basket and fills it up and puts the kid in a line and then they take 2 a piece, then The Toddler, Jeff Bilksy, and The Time Jerker come to the front porch of the Hart house
Henry: Why are there two grown adults and one small adult in galaxy wars outfits?
The Toddler: Just give us the candy blondie I'm getting cranky.
Henry: Yeah sure but first let me fill it up.
Henry opens the door then goes to his room and calls Captain Man on his whiz watch.
Captain Man and Jasper are in the man van on the lookout for The Toddler and the rest.
Henry: Ray The Toddler, The Time Jerker, and Stupid Jeff are at my house.
Captain Man: What we're coming to your house right now!
Henry: No I"ll do it Halloween style.
Jeff Bilksy: Wait I remember this house that blondie and his sister live here his sister used to date my brother.
The Time Jerker: Your tragic past has nothing to do with this time consuming mission.
The Toddler: Both of you shut up!
Henry dresses up in a grim reaper costume and then goes to the back door and is now behind The Toddler, Jeff Bilksy, and The Time Jerker
Henry (in a scary voice): You want some candy.
The Time Jerker screams and runs away
Jeff Bilksy faints
The Toddler cries and runs away with The Time Jerker
Henry (in a scary voice): Happy Halloween.
End of episode