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The Separation Of Church And Ray is the 3rd episode of Season 7 of Henry Danger also the 141st episode overall series episode.


Henry and Piper have to go to church for a Sunday mass but Ray needs him and Piper to help him fight crimes at the same time.


One day at the Man Cave Henry and Ray were coming back from saving Swellview once again from the Toddler.

Henry: That was a huge battle with the Toddler dude.

Ray: Yea it was but we did it kid.

Soon right as they were going to have some popcorn and watch a movie suddenly Piper and Charlotte come in and they were wondering what took Henry and Ray so long to return.

Henry: Well Toddler was being naughty so we had the cops take him to jail since he would not let us.

Ray: Yea and then we made him change his own diaper LOL.

Charlotte: Say Piper what did you see in your brother before he was like this with Ray?

Piper: I have no idea.

Just then Henry's dad called him and Piper.

Jake: Henry where are you and Piper at?

Henry: We are at work dad why whats going on?

Piper: Henry why is dad calling us?

Henry: I don't know that's what i'm trying to find out.

Henry: Dad what do you need we are at work now.

Jake: Well I need you and Piper to come home now.

Henry and Piper were looking at each other and they were confused and wondering why did they have to come home.

Henry: Uh dad why do we have to come home?

Jake: Because we are going to Church.

Henry & Piper: WHAT (as they were looking at each other).

Jake: Yes, and do not give me that look.

Piper: Dad we do not go to Church at all and now why do you want to do that?

Jake: Because Piper Christmas is coming up and we need to start going to Church as a family.

Henry: Dad Christmas is 5 months away and we can go on Christmas Day.

Jake: No we are doing it now so come home or else you two will be grounded again.

Henry: Ok we are coming home now.

Jake: Ok I will see you two in a minute.

Ray: What does your dad want?

Henry: He wants us to come home

Ray: NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piper: Dude he is our dad we need to go home or else were going to be grounded once again.

Ray: Well if you want your dad taken out, I can do that for you and be with your mom.



Henry: Dude can Charlotte or Jasper help you out?

Ray: No because they are away on a trip for the week and Schwoz is out of town with his sister.

Henry and Piper soon left the man cave and went home to meet their dad and he was waiting for them.

Henry: Dad why are we now doing this asked?

Piper: Yea we never do this at all.

Jake: Well I want us to go to church on Sundays because we are a family and we need to do something like this.

Piper: So where is mom because she is not here for you telling us this news.

Jake: Well your mom is out of town for the weekend so she cannot join us.

Henry: But doesn’t mom have to join us too?

Jake: Yes, but she is out of town like I said before so get ready for Church now.

Soon Henry and Piper went upstairs to their rooms and were getting ready for Church.

Meanwhile at the Man Cave Ray was on the computer when suddenly the crime alarm went off and he dressed up as Captain Man to answer the phone.

Ray: Hello who is this calling?


Ray: Do not worry we will stop Toddler once again.

Later that day at Church Henry Piper and Jake were sitting and they were watching the Mass.

Henry: I cannot believe that we are doing this.

Piper: Yea a waste of our time if you ask me.

Jake: SHHHH no talking.

Just then Henry’s watch was beeping as Ray was calling him for back up Henry was trying to hide the watch from his dad.

Jake: Henry what are you doing?

Henry: Uhh nothing I was just going to.

But before he could answer Jake stopped him.

Jake: Henry nice try I know what you are doing your going to ditch Church to go to work.

Jake: not today Henry as I said before.

Henry and Piper were looking at each other as their dad was getting suspicious as they were looking at each other.

Piper: dad Henry and I must go to work and help our boss.

Jake: Piper since when do you work with Henry?

Piper: Uhh since last year.

Jake: well whatever if it gets you out of the house then fine by me and your mom.

Piper: Henry I think dad is close to knowing about your secret.

Henry: Piper you know dad can hear you right?

Piper: no, he will not he is too busy with Church.

Jake: Quiet you too.

Meanwhile Ray was fighting the Toddler and his minions at his base.

Toddler: WELL WELL WELL Captain Man you are here alone and where is your partner Kid Danger at?

Ray: He is busy with something right now.

Toddler: Well he will be busy doing something making you a proper funeral home.

Ray: The only thing we would be doing together is making you a play pen in jail Toddler.

Toddler: If your going to take me to jail then COME GET ME CAPTAIN MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon Ray started fighting all of Toddlers minions as they were all attacking him at once and he was pushing them down and throwing them the walls.

Ray was not having fun since Henry was not with him at all as Toddlers minions were coming at him and he was pushed and attacked down to the ground.

Toddler: WELL WELL I have defeated Captain Man finally at last HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Ray: Do not get cocky Toddler once Kid Danger knows I’m in trouble then he will come and save me.

Toddler: OH, well how would he get here he is not even close to us at all AND HE WILL NEVER FIND US!!!!!

Henry: HEY TODDLER!!!!!!!!!!!

Toddler: WHAT KID DANGER BUT HOW!!!!!!!!

Henry: That is right I am here now and you going back to jail.

Toddler: Get past my minions first if you want to catch me.

Henry soon blasted all Toddler’s minions to the ground as they were easy knocking them out.

Ray: Say Kid that was good and extremely easy taking them out.

Henry: Thanks dude.

Toddler: WHAT NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT FAIR CAPTIAN MAN AND KID DANGER ARE PLAYING UNFAIR screamed Toddler as he started to cry to the ground.

Henry: Good job Kid by the way how did you get past your dad from Church?

Henry: Well lets just say that Piper is distracting him with boring stuff about her friends.

Ray: Well let’s take Toddler here to jail.

Henry: Right with you dude.

As Henry and Ray both took Toddler to jail as the episode ends.


  • This is the first episode in Season 7 that is written and directed by LyokoWarrior12.
  • Charlotte Jasper and Kris Hart are not seen nor featured they are only mentioned.
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